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Safavieh Aztec AZT207R Red/Multi Area Rug

Regular price
$ 84.00
Sale price
$ 63.00

Tribal art becomes contemporary floor decor in the energized color and supple textures of Aztec by Safavieh. A patchwork of multi-colored village art motifs are smartly displayed using a quilted effect, lending rustic-chic qualities to the distinctive look of Aztec area rugs. Made using a soft, close cut synthetic yarn pile a non-skid rubber backing for a comforting, durable feel underfoot and added versatility around the home or particular business settings such as daycare centers and schoolrooms.�� �� �� . Non-Skid rubber backing

We think you'll love the Safavieh Aztec Rug collection as much as we do. All 7 of these gems have a personality of their own and paired with a complimentary color scheme, we think they will turn a mundane house into an inviting home.

With free shipping, 30-day returns, and exceptional customer service, we think you will find the Safavieh Aztec Rug collection to be a welcome addition to any room.

Care Instructions: Routine vacuuming is the most important step in maintaining the life and beauty of your rug. It is recommended that you have area rugs professionally cleaned every 1-2 years to remove deep set dirt in high traffic areas.Use a clean cloth and press firmly to absorb as much liquid as possible. Rotating a rug every few months will distribute any wear and fading evenly.

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