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Safavieh Aztec AZT204D Green/Multi Area Rug

Regular price
$ 84.00
Sale price
$ 63.00

Tribal art becomes contemporary floor decor in the energized color and supple textures of Aztec by Safavieh. A patchwork of multi-colored village art motifs are smartly displayed using a quilted effect, lending rustic-chic qualities to the distinctive look of Aztec area rugs. Made using a soft, close cut synthetic yarn pile a non-skid rubber backing for a comforting, durable feel underfoot and added versatility around the home or particular business settings such as daycare centers and schoolrooms.�� �� �� . Non-Skid rubber backing

Incredible Rugs and Decor presents the Safavieh Aztec Rug collection. 7 attractive designs make it easy to mix and match pieces through the collection so that each rug can have it's own personality yet coordinate in style and color family with another.

Care Instructions: Routine vacuuming is the most important step in maintaining the life and beauty of your rug. It is recommended that you have area rugs professionally cleaned every 1-2 years to remove deep set dirt in high traffic areas.Use a clean cloth and press firmly to absorb as much liquid as possible. Rotating a rug every few months will distribute any wear and fading evenly.

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