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Safavieh Artifact ATF237B Blue/Creme Area Rug

Regular price
$ 116.25
Sale price
$ 91.00

The Artifact rug collection features transitional, antique-look area rugs awash in shrouded, classic designs, for a look that is altogether timeless and today. Vibrant viscose highlights energize a high-low, texture rich pile with a distressed patina and serged edges adding the final aesthetic details. The perfect decorative centerpieces for metro styled transitional decor.. NO BACKING

The Safavieh Artifact Rug collection consists of 3 beautiful rugs constructed of Machine Made 50% Polypropylene 16% Viscose 20%Cotton Weft + 10% warp 4% Latex woven in approximate 1/4 inch thickness, the thinner pile of Artifact rug adds a level of comfort to any hard surface floor while adding beauty to the room.

Find the best price on Safavieh Artifact Rug collection, fast and free shipping, 30-day return period, and great financing options, you can't beat Incredible Rugs and Decor.

Care Instructions: Routine vacuuming is the most important step in maintaining the life and beauty of your rug. It is recommended that you have area rugs professionally cleaned every 1-2 years to remove deep set dirt in high traffic areas.Use a clean cloth and press firmly to absorb as much liquid as possible. Rotating a rug every few months will distribute any wear and fading evenly.

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